Private Educational Psychology Consultation - Chartered Psychologist
Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire

PsychEd Ltd

Covering Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Learning Difficulties, ADHD, Adult ADHD Assessments, Autism, Social Communication Difficulties, Behaviour, Social and Emotional Development, Anxiety, Reluctance to go to School, Exam Concessions.

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PsychEd Ltd Educational Consultancy Services - Services - Adult/University Student Assessments

you are here: psyched ltd: services: work based assessments

We can assess people at work to alleviate difficulties which they may experience every day, and advise on the best ways to support them in the workplace. For example, this might include reading, spelling, writing, structuring assignments, proofreading and precis skills.

A formal report is received within 15 working days.

We now offer Adult ADHD assessments for people aged 17 and above. Suitable for College and University students and working people.

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"Our daughter, although a little apprehensive beforehand, clearly enjoyed the (assessment) experience. I overheard her telling her younger sister that it was "fun, you will really enjoy it when it is your turn"! We found the written report very useful, have shared it with the school who were interested and have taken a copy."

From a Parent

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